Top 7 bank fees explained and how to avoid them

Top 7 bank fees explained and how to avoid them

Top 7 bank fees explained and how to avoid them Love them or hate them banks are an integral part of our lives. However, understanding the top 7 bank fees and how to avoid them will go a long way in helping you buy a home and build wealth. Checking account fees Checking account fees […]

The Question of Race and Money

The Question of Race and Money

The Question of Race and Money The question of race and money. Are white families doing better than black families? The question of race and money has always been top of mind for me. I have made it my life’s journey to understand the cycle of poverty and how to help families break the cycle […]

Are you ready to buy your future home?

are you ready to buy your future home

Are you ready to buy your future home? Are you ready to buy your future home? The following brief questions will help you achieve your home purchase goal. What type of home are you looking for? We own multiple condos and multi family homes. However, the type of home you are interested in can vary […]