Understanding Retirement Terms

Understanding Retirement Terms

Understanding Retirement Terms Understanding retirement terms will help you better navigate the complex world of retirement planning. Deductible IRA. An individual retirement account that allows the owner to deduct the amount of the contribution from current federal income taxes. Deferred compensation. Income that is not currently payable to an employee but that is payable in […]

Determining Your Retirement Goals

Determining Your Retirement Goals

Determining Your Retirement Goals Determining your retirement goals comes after the previous steps of analyzing cash flow statement and balance sheet. I like to start by talking to my clients about their visions of retirement, their goals, and their values. Picture a day in retirement. Will it involve pure leisure and hobbies, or maybe some […]

Assets Liabilities and Net Worth

Assets Liabilities and Net Worth

Assets Liabilities and Net Worth Assets liabilities and net worth reveal your financial position as of a specific date, and they are used to construct the personal statement of financial position, or “balance sheet.” Such a statement is a good measure of financial health and will help you identify what assets may be available to […]

Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement Cash flow statement serves as a tool to help identify your current spending patterns. Having insight to your spending habits is a good starting point for predicting spending in retirement. Despite your initial reluctance to create a cash flow statement, this exercise is usually eye-opening! The cash flow statement is illustrated by […]

Understanding the Federal Gift Tax

Understanding the Federal Gift Tax

Understanding the Federal Gift Tax Understanding the Federal Gift Tax – the federal gift tax applies to transfers of wealth by a person while they are still alive. These transfers are called inter vivos (during life) gifts. An inter vivos gift typically occurs when two things happen: the giver (or donor) receives less than the […]

Top Trends in Retirement Planning

Top Trends in Retirement Planning

Top Trends in Retirement Planning Top trends in retirement planning will give a general understanding of the current situation many of my clients will face or are facing. Pension plans are increasingly scarce Defined benefit plans are designed to provide participants with a guaranteed lifetime income, or a pension. These plans, however, are becoming increasingly […]

Planning for Retirement if You Have 5 Years

Planning for Retirement if You Have 5 Years

Planning for Retirement if You Have 5 Years Planning for retirement if you have 5 years means you have little time to waste. Make a list of retirement “needs” and “wants.” If you do not have enough savings to meet your “needs,” make a five-year plan to increase your funds. Double-check your reported Social Security […]

Planning for retirement if you have 10 Years

Planning for retirement if you have 10 Years

Planning for retirement if you have 10 Years Planning for retirement if you have 10 years means you can see your finish line but you are close. Consider any big-ticket financial commitments you anticipate in the next 10 years and how these items might affect your retirement timeline. Review your estate documents to ensure the […]

How a settlement service can help you negotiate credit card debt

How a settlement service can help you negotiate credit card debt

How a settlement service can help you negotiate credit card debt How a settlement service can help you negotiate credit card debt. If you have been thinking about ways to go about settling your credit card debt, you’re absolutely not alone. Many individuals find themselves dealing with some credit card debt issues here and there, […]

How to Negotiate a Debt Settlement Like the Pros

How to Negotiate a Debt Settlement Like the Pros

How to Negotiate a Debt Settlement Like the Pros How to negotiate a debt settlement like the pros. Financial difficulties are experienced by many people, but they don’t have ruin your financial livelihood. When you find yourself in debt—be it with a credit card company or another type of lender—there are options. Learning how to […]