Borrowing money to eat

Borrowing money to eat

Borrowing money to eat

Borrowing money to eat comes in multiple forms. At Budget Build Buy we encourage our tribe members to leverage credit for everyday purchases within their budget with the sole purpose of earning cash and travel rewards. Other areas where we borrow money to eat is when we spend money we don’t have to eat out with friends or family.   

Eating out multiple times per week

I love to eat out as most people do. However, I only eat out when it fits my budget and long term financial goals. I prefer to stay home and build wealth then spend money I don’t have. Stop borrowing money to eat out. Prepare healthy fun meals at home for a fraction of the cost. We love wings, tacos and pizza. We make them at home with our friends and family and enjoy each other’s company and save lots of money.  

 Not making enough money and relying on credit cards is one way we borrow money to eat. However, using debt to eat will make each meal very expensive. At Budget Build Buy we encourage clients to only spend what they can afford to pay back each month.  

Using debt to purchase everyday groceries

Borrowing money to eat is a problem when you use debt to purchase everyday groceries. This is a major indication of financial problems. At one time I would use multiple credit cards to pay for groceries. The one benefit was, I would only spend what I had available on my credit card. The terrible part was that I was paying interest on everyday groceries. Borrowing money to eat leaves a bad taste in your mouth. 

Borrowing money to eat is a clear indication of serious financial problems. Our basic needs are food and shelter and if one is only being paid with debt we have a major problem. At Budget Build Buy we give our tribe members the necessary tools to build credit, build savings and to never worry about borrowing money to eat. 

Borrowing money to eat

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