5 Creative Ways to Cut Credit Card Debt

5 Creative Ways to Cut Credit Card Debt When it comes to cutting credit card debt, there are a ton of different ways to do it. You can deal with lenders and credit card companies on your own, or you can hire a group of professionals to do that kind of legwork for you. Either […]
10 Life Hacks For Saving Money

10 Life Hacks For Saving Money Let’s face it: the world is an expensive place. The cost of living has continued to increase-even as wages have stagnated-and it’s tough to save money in this economy. But here’s the good news! A little creativity, elbow grease, and patience can help you to build up the savings […]
How revolving credit works

How revolving credit works Having creditors hound you over payments that you are unable to make can be incredibly stressful. With revolving debt, such as credit cards, it is easy to pile up debt that is seemingly impossible to pay back. However, there is hope. Instead of giving up and filing for bankruptcy, Budget Build […]
Top 7 bank fees explained and how to avoid them

Top 7 bank fees explained and how to avoid them Love them or hate them banks are an integral part of our lives. However, understanding the top 7 bank fees and how to avoid them will go a long way in helping you buy a home and build wealth. Checking account fees Checking account fees […]
Top Tips on How to Live Your Best Life

Top tips on how to live your best life Today I want to share my top tips on how to live your best life. This is a common question amongst our new tribe members. But first what is not living your best life? Not living your best life is lying about the life you currently […]
Top 14 Budgeting Tips

Top 14 Budgeting Tips Just Start Taking the first single step and initial action brings you that much closer to your ultimate goal. To build financial wealth you must take action and certain proven steps. Step 1 is usually the hardest. However, the first step will take you to your second step. Track your spending […]
How to secure a debt free college degree?

How to Secure a Debt Free College Degree? How to secure a debt free college degree you ask? College is expensive and private colleges are approaching $80,000 per year. However, leaving college with the equivalent of a mid size mortgage is avoidable. Many of our clients ask how to secure a debt free college degree. […]
6 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Stinks

6 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Stinks It’s not a mystery your credit score and your credit history plays an important role in your life. However, below I will share the top 6 reasons why your credit score stinks. Payment history This number should always show 100%. Anything below 100% = you are late on […]
Easy Budgeting Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Easy Budgeting Tips to Achieve Your Goals Just do it, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When looking at your finances and your long term goals (goals 12-24 months or more away) the road seems long and impossible. Take the first step and initial action. That small step has you […]
The 7 Best Budgeting Tips

The 7 Best Budgeting Tips Just do it, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When looking at your finances and your long term goals (goals 12-24 months or more away) the road seems long and impossible. But taking the first single step and initial action brings you that much closer […]