Stop Shopping in Your PJs

stop shopping in your pjs

Stop Shopping in Your PJs

Stop shopping in your pjs, Amazon, Target and almost every other retailer has allowed us to shop online from our pjs. I’m guilty of shopping in my pjs. However, shopping at home in your pjs can destroy your budget and stop you from building wealth. 

At Budget Build Buy we created a list of tips to help you keep your spending in check. 

Dont save your credit card information online

When all you have to do is click to buy an item online – purchasing things you dont need becomes one click away. However, having to enter your credit card information every time you make a purchase gives you some time to think about the purchase. I use a credit card for gas, another for groceries and a separate card for travel. The other cards are hidden away. It takes real effort to get to them. 

Block ads from your computer or devices

Most of the impulse buys come from ads or other online advertising, something targeted sometimes it’s random. Block any of those unwanted ads or pop ups. Keep ads out of site and out of mind. 

Plan to purchase based on your budget needs. If you need new shoes or need a new television purchase it as long as you can afford it and it fits into your budget. However, for large purchases create a goal to save for it. And when you achieve that goal use your credit card and earn the rewards. Learn how to use credit without ever paying the banks any interest. Leverage rewards and bonuses. 

Disconnect as much as possible

Stop shopping in your pjs to avoid building mounting debt instead of a lasting legacy of wealth. Another great tip which will help you stop shopping in your pjs is to stop using your cellphone or ipad at home. Instead, when you are home use that time to read a book or learn a new skill. Shopping and spending will not build wealth.

At Budget Build Buy we have many resources to help our tribe build income by having multiple streams of income which leads to building generational wealth. 

Take the journey and join the Budget Build Buy tribe.

Stop Shopping in Your PJs

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