Top 20 careers paying over 100k in 2021 with the least competition

top 20 careers paying over 100k in 2021 with the least competition

Top 20 careers paying over 100k in 2021 with the least competition Top 20 careers paying over 100k in 2021 with the least competition is an important list for anyone interested in starting or changing careers. Some of these careers require advanced degrees. However, many do not. Furthermore, many employers are providing the training required […]

A responsible way to pay off what you owe

A responsible way to pay off what you owe

A responsible way to pay off what you owe A responsible way to pay off what you owe, if the idea of paying less to creditors to resolve your debt doesn’t sit right with you think about this. Creditors don’t judge you For them, settling debt is just part of doing business. They don’t plan […]

Stop Shopping in Your PJs

stop shopping in your pjs

Stop Shopping in Your PJs Stop shopping in your pjs, Amazon, Target and almost every other retailer has allowed us to shop online from our pjs. I’m guilty of shopping in my pjs. However, shopping at home in your pjs can destroy your budget and stop you from building wealth.  At Budget Build Buy we […]

Teaching Your Kids About Money

teaching your kids about money

Teaching Your Kids About Money Teaching your kids about money is important. But how do you do that? Kids need tangible ways to understand abstract concepts (like money). They learn by doing. So start by giving your child three clear jars to put their money in. One for spending, one for saving and one for […]

The downside of never having credit

the downside of never having credit

The downside of never having credit The downside of never having credit will cost you financially. Most people are interested in having good credit. I feel you should work towards having the best credit history possible and the highest credit score possible. Furthermore, no credit does not equal good credit. Some people feel if they […]

Train Yourself to Stop Mindless Spending

train yourself to stop mindless spending

Train Yourself to Stop Mindless Spending Train yourself to stop mindless spending and build the life you always wanted. Having nice things is great. A beautiful car, a nice home and great furniture to go with it all. However, all of those things cost money and if your finances are not in top shape purchasing […]

How to succeed with your first credit card

how to succeed with your first credit card

How to succeed with your first credit card How to succeed with your first credit card is an important first step in building credit, buying a home and building generational wealth. Credit scores and your credit history play an important role in our lives. However, below I will share the top 6 tips on how […]

What Covid Taught us About Our Finances and Money

What Covid Taught us About Our Finances and Money

What Covid Taught us About Our Finances and Money What covid taught us about our finances and money. Covid has taught us and reminded us that the wealthy can survive anything and the poorest among us will always suffer. Covid early on taught us the wealthy will purchase all of the toilet paper and all […]

How Simple Organization Can Help You Escape Debt

how simple organization can help you escape debt

How simple organization can help you escape debt Debt is mentally taxing and, sometimes, it’s easier to ignore than to deal with. Because of this, it is hard to truly understand what it will take to get out of debt and stay that way forever. Fixing your financial situation isn’t impossible, but it does take […]

Understanding the different types of Debt Settlement Letters

understanding the different types of debt settlement letters

Understanding the different types of Debt Settlement Letters Debt settlement is for you if you are suffering financial hardships, which cause you to fall behind on payments and start receiving those never-ending creditor calls. A positive alternative to bankruptcy, debt settlement enables you to negotiate your debt, reducing your balance and eventually eliminating it for […]