Top 9 Medical Careers Which Pay Over 100k

Top 9 Medical careers which pay over 100k

Top 9 Medical Careers Which Pay Over 100k Top 9 Medical careers which pay over 100k list is for anyone interested in starting or changing careers. Medical careers require advanced degrees. However, some do not. Optometrist Optometrist average annual salary is approximately $112,000 per year and there’s approximately 4,000 open positions. Optometrists examine, diagnose, treat […]

Confronting your current financial situation

Confronting your current financial situation

Confronting your current financial situation Confronting your current financial situation. Living in the present is difficult for dreamers like me and you. We are always imagining what tomorrow will bring. Our hopes and dreams, our business plans and future travel adventures. However, when it comes to our finances it is best to live and spend […]

How a single black mother purchased her dream home

how a single black mother purchased her dream home

How a single black mother purchased her dream home How a single black mother purchased her dream home. The truth is she didn’t do a lot of research. But, her desire to own a home motivated her to search long and hard for a home to purchase. Besides providing a stable home for her family […]

Getting out of debt is overrated

Getting out of debt is overrated

Getting out of debt is overrated Getting out of debt is overrated. I know having debt can feel like a failure but for the wealthy debt/credit is opportunity. Getting out of debt is overrated, start by understanding and accepting that having credit does not equal having bad debt.  Credit is the ability to borrow something […]

Top 4 Financing Solutions Available

Top 4 Financing Solutions Available

Top 4 Financing Solutions Available Top 4 Financing Solutions Available. There’s no one-size-fits-all financing solution. You have options when it comes to getting the money you need. At Budget Build Buy we teach you how to use other peoples money or OPM to build generational wealth. Owning a home is a major milestone. However, leaving […]

Life after debt consolidation

Life after debt consolidation

Life after debt consolidation Life after debt consolidation is a mystery to many. The following article will explain what that looks like and will share how to maintain the momentum. Consolidating debt is only the beginning of feeling better about money. The most important part is what you do next. You need to avoid putting […]

Are you heading to financial disaster?

are you heading to financial disaster?

Are you heading to financial disaster? Are you heading to financial disaster? Continue reading to find the top 3 financial warning signs. At Budget Build Buy we are here to help you no only identify them but also avoid them. You struggle to make payments each month If you can barely make your payments now, […]

Is Credit Karma Worth it?

is credit karma worth it?

Is Credit Karma worth it? Is Credit Karma worth it? Should I give my information to them? Those were some of the questions I asked myself when I first heard of Credit Karma. Today I will compare the pros and cons of Credit Karma and give you an exclusive look at the features of the […]

Telling Your Friends You Will Not Spend Money

Telling your friends you will not spend money

Telling your friends you will not spend money Telling your friends you will not spend money. Humans are social people. We enjoy having a good time and doing stuff. And doing stuff usually comes with a price tag. Friends and family usually want you to do stuff with them. But sometimes we are not in […]

Stop drowning in debt to impress your friends

Stop drowning in debt to impress your friends

Stop drowning in debt to impress your friends Stop drowning in debt to impress your friends. We love our friends and family. However, we can’t spend money we don’t have to impress them. For many people social media has become an opportunity to display what they do, where they go and how much they make […]