Top 7 bank fees explained and how to avoid them
Top 7 bank fees explained and how to avoid them Love them or hate them banks are an integral part of our lives. However, understanding the top 7 bank fees and how to avoid them will go a long way in helping you buy a home and build wealth. Checking account fees Checking account fees […]
How to secure a debt free college degree?
How to Secure a Debt Free College Degree? How to secure a debt free college degree you ask? College is expensive and private colleges are approaching $80,000 per year. However, leaving college with the equivalent of a mid size mortgage is avoidable. Many of our clients ask how to secure a debt free college degree. […]
6 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Stinks
6 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Stinks It’s not a mystery your credit score and your credit history plays an important role in your life. However, below I will share the top 6 reasons why your credit score stinks. Payment history This number should always show 100%. Anything below 100% = you are late on […]
The 7 Best Budgeting Tips
The 7 Best Budgeting Tips Just do it, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When looking at your finances and your long term goals (goals 12-24 months or more away) the road seems long and impossible. But taking the first single step and initial action brings you that much closer […]
Top 5 Retirement Factors
Top 5 Retirement Factors Top 5 Retirement Factors which will guarantee a successful retirement. When you crush these 5 factors you will be able to sleep well at night knowing you will have a successful retirement. Inflation Inflation has been referred to as the “silent killer’ of a portfolio’s value. It slowly and silently eats […]
Credit Risk associated with bonds
Credit Risk associated with bonds Credit Risk associated with bonds are distinguished by their credit ratings. A rating provides an indication of the risk that the issuer will fail to pay interest and principal for a particular bond when those payments are due. This risk credit risk associated with bonds. Rating agencies A bond issuer […]
Fixed Income Securities
Fixed Income Securities Fixed income securities (or debt) securities, such as bonds and notes, are issued by corporations, federal and state governments and their agencies, and municipalities. The issuer is essentially borrowing money from the investor. In return for this ‘loan,’ the company promises to repay the face amount (the principal value) at a specified […]
Stocks and investment risk
Stocks and investment risk Stocks and investment risk in this post we will define common stock then discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Common stocks A share of common stock represents a fractional ownership interest in the issuing corporation. Returns on stocks come in the form of capital growth or appreciation, and the possibility of dividends. […]
Attributes of Sound Investment Policy
Attributes of Sound Investment Policy Attributes of Sound Investment Policy. Sound investment policy is realistic, has a long-term perspective, and is clearly defined. Policy must be realistic Every planner has had the painful experience of dealing with the unrealistic client – the person whose return expectations are unrealistic. Taming unrealistic expectations is one of the […]
Income Replacement Percentages
Income Replacement Percentages Income replacement percentages during retirement are used by planners as rough guides in determining the amount of income needed in retirement, using preretirement income as a base value (100%). Thus, it is common to hear financial advisors myself included to state that retirees need 85% of preretirment income to support a similar […]