What is my credit score?

what is my credit score?

What is my credit score?  Your credit score is a number between 300-850 that depicts your credit worthiness. Scores are broken down into grades. 300-579 = very poor, 580-669 = fair, 670-739 = good, 740-799 = very good, 800-850 = exceptional.  On any given week your credit score moves 10-20 points either up or down. […]

Why most people stink at making a budget?

Why most people stink at making a budget

Why most people stink at making a budget? What is a budget? A budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. Why are some people much better at this then others? Some of it is upbringing, experiences and education. As children we grow up watching how parents live, work, […]

Why Debt Reduction Negotiation is Easier Than You Think

Why Debt Reduction Negotiation is Easier Than You Think

Why Debt Reduction Negotiation is Easier Than You Think Why debt reduction negotiation is easier than you think. If you’ve recently found yourself dealing with a bit of financial hardship, you’re not alone. Many people are currently dealing with debt or financial stress, whether money is owed to a bank, credit card company, or another […]

Determining the Right Debt Settlement Plans For You

Determining the Right Debt Settlement Plans For You

Determining the Right Debt Settlement Plans For You Determining the right debt settlement plans for you. Many Americans find themselves dealing with financial debt at some point in their lives. If you’re feeling some financial burden, you’re certainly not alone. Plenty of individuals get behind on their finances, and there are a ton of solutions […]

How to Negotiate a Credit Card Settlement

How to Negotiate a Credit Card Settlement

How to Negotiate a Credit Card Settlement How to negotiate a credit card settlement. These days, plenty of us deal with credit card debt. Sometimes it’s completely manageable, and sometimes our credit card bills can seem to pile up until they’ve really gotten out of hand. It’s a situation that many of us have found […]

How Debt Relief Programs Can Help You Manage Your Debt

how debt relief programs can help you manage your debt

How Debt Relief Programs Can Help You Manage Your Debt How debt relief programs can help you manage your debt. Credit card debt is a lot more common in America than you might think. However, this means that there are multiple options from which you can choose when you are determining the best method for […]

Top 5 Tips for Settling Credit Card Debt The Right Way

Top 5 Tips for Settling Credit Card Debt The Right Way

Top 5 Tips for Settling Credit Card Debt The Right Way Top 5 tips for settling credit card debt the right way. Financial problems can be a very stressful issue, but it is something that many of us must deal with at some point in lives. When it comes to settling a credit card debt, […]

How to determine the retirement savings need

How to determine the retirement savings need

How to determine the retirement savings need How to determine the retirement savings need is a critical part of establishing long term retirement goals. We will break this down into retirement income needs and various income sources. Income needs Retirement income need is the dollar amount needed to support a desired lifestyle. quantifying this need […]

Cheat Sheet for Complex Retirement Terms

Cheat Sheet for Complex Retirement Terms

Cheat Sheet for Complex Retirement Terms Cheat sheet for complex retirement terms this cheat sheet will help you better navigate the complex world of retirement planning. Deductible IRA. An individual retirement account that allows the owner to deduct the amount of the contribution from current federal income taxes. Deferred compensation. Income that is not currently […]

The ABCs of credit card reduction services

The ABCs of credit card reduction services

The ABCs of credit card reduction services The ABCs of credit card reduction services. When it comes time for you to rid yourself of your credit card debt, there are many different ways to go about it. With so many choices to make, the process can be a little daunting, and very nerve-wracking. Fortunately, knowing […]