Life after debt consolidation

Life after debt consolidation Life after debt consolidation is a mystery to many. The following article will explain what that looks like and will share how to maintain the momentum. Consolidating debt is only the beginning of feeling better about money. The most important part is what you do next. You need to avoid putting […]
Are you heading to financial disaster?

Are you heading to financial disaster? Are you heading to financial disaster? Continue reading to find the top 3 financial warning signs. At Budget Build Buy we are here to help you no only identify them but also avoid them. You struggle to make payments each month If you can barely make your payments now, […]
What Covid Taught us About Our Finances and Money

What Covid Taught us About Our Finances and Money What covid taught us about our finances and money. Covid has taught us and reminded us that the wealthy can survive anything and the poorest among us will always suffer. Covid early on taught us the wealthy will purchase all of the toilet paper and all […]
Tips for saving for a home purchase

Tips for saving for a home purchase Tips for saving for a home purchase. Let 2021 start on the right foot! We want to share with you the best tips for saving for a home purchase and allow you to fulfill your dream of home ownership and building wealth. A home you will fill with […]
Are you ready to buy your future home?

Are you ready to buy your future home? Are you ready to buy your future home? The following brief questions will help you achieve your home purchase goal. What type of home are you looking for? We own multiple condos and multi family homes. However, the type of home you are interested in can vary […]
Cut Credit Card Debt With These Simple Tips

Cut credit card debt with these simple tips Credit card debt isn’t anything extraordinary at this point. You can cut credit card debt with these simple tips. You might be surprised at how many Americans find themselves dealing with it year after year. For some it can be a huge financial burden. For others, it’s […]
5 Essential Components to Credit Card Debt Assistance

5 Essential Components to Credit Card Debt Assistance 5 Essential components to credit card debt assistance. Debt, for a lot of people, is simply a part of life. It doesn’t have to be something that we all live with, which is why there are a number of organizations that exist to help people rid themselves […]
How to avoid scams

How to avoid scams How to avoid scams in this world where all of our information floats around in a cloud. Scammers use different tactics to get victims to fall for their schemes. In some cases, they can be friendly, sympathetic and seem willing to help. In others, they use fear tactics to persuade a […]
How you Benefit from Debt Consolidation

How You Benefit from Debt Consolidation How you benefit from debt consolidation is important before starting the consolidation process. You already get a sense that consolidating your debt is going to be a sigh of relief. But how else does it benefit you? And are there any drawbacks to completing a debt consolidation? Single payment […]