Top Tips on How to Live Your Best Life

top tips on how to live your best life

Top tips on how to live your best life Today I want to share my top tips on how to live your best life. This is a common question amongst our new tribe members. But first what is not living your best life? Not living your best life is lying about the life you currently […]

How to secure a debt free college degree?

How to Secure a Debt Free College Degree

How to Secure a Debt Free College Degree? How to secure a debt free college degree you ask? College is expensive and private colleges are approaching $80,000 per year. However, leaving college with the equivalent of a mid size mortgage is avoidable. Many of our clients ask how to secure a debt free college degree. […]

How to Negotiate a Credit Card Settlement

How to Negotiate a Credit Card Settlement

How to Negotiate a Credit Card Settlement How to negotiate a credit card settlement. These days, plenty of us deal with credit card debt. Sometimes it’s completely manageable, and sometimes our credit card bills can seem to pile up until they’ve really gotten out of hand. It’s a situation that many of us have found […]

Exit poverty or die of hunger

Exit poverty or die of hunger

Exit poverty or die of hunger Exit poverty or die of hunger. This post comes from the current situation we find ourselves in. Today millions of our fellow citizens are dying of hunger in the wealthiest country on the planet. A country with the most number of billionaires and self made millionaires in the history […]

Credit Card Debt Settlement Options

Credit card debt settlement options

Credit card debt settlement options Credit card debt settlement options. Credit card debt isn’t exactly easy to deal with and unfortunately it is something that most people must deal with at some point in their lives. Financial independence can be difficult to attain, but with the right knowledge and even a little assistance, it can […]

Top 10 Work From Home Jobs in 2021

top 10 work from home jobs in 2021

Top 10 Work From Home Jobs in 2021 Top 10 work from home jobs in 2021 include some jobs in the medical field. Furthermore, given the current pandemic many people are looking to move away from large metropolitan cities. Engagement Manager Engagement manager average annual salary is approximately $116,000 per year and there’s approximately 277,000 […]

Borrowing money to eat

Borrowing money to eat

Borrowing money to eat Borrowing money to eat comes in multiple forms. At Budget Build Buy we encourage our tribe members to leverage credit for everyday purchases within their budget with the sole purpose of earning cash and travel rewards. Other areas where we borrow money to eat is when we spend money we don’t […]

Top 10 Tech Careers Which Pay Over 100k

Top 10 Tech Careers Which Pay Over 100k

Top 10 Tech Careers Which Pay Over 100k Top 10 tech careers which pay over 100k in 2021 with the least competition is an important list for anyone interested in starting or changing careers. Some of these careers require advanced degrees. However, many do not. Furthermore, many employers are providing the training required to fill […]

Top 9 Medical Careers Which Pay Over 100k

Top 9 Medical careers which pay over 100k

Top 9 Medical Careers Which Pay Over 100k Top 9 Medical careers which pay over 100k list is for anyone interested in starting or changing careers. Medical careers require advanced degrees. However, some do not. Optometrist Optometrist average annual salary is approximately $112,000 per year and there’s approximately 4,000 open positions. Optometrists examine, diagnose, treat […]

Getting out of debt is overrated

Getting out of debt is overrated

Getting out of debt is overrated Getting out of debt is overrated. I know having debt can feel like a failure but for the wealthy debt/credit is opportunity. Getting out of debt is overrated, start by understanding and accepting that having credit does not equal having bad debt.  Credit is the ability to borrow something […]