Top Tips on How to Live Your Best Life

top tips on how to live your best life

Top tips on how to live your best life Today I want to share my top tips on how to live your best life. This is a common question amongst our new tribe members. But first what is not living your best life? Not living your best life is lying about the life you currently […]

Easy Budgeting Tips to Achieve Your Goals

easy budgeting tips to achieve your goals

Easy Budgeting Tips to Achieve Your Goals Just do it, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When looking at your finances and your long term goals (goals 12-24 months or more away) the road seems long and impossible. Take the first step and initial action. That small step has you […]

What is my credit score?

what is my credit score?

What is my credit score?  Your credit score is a number between 300-850 that depicts your credit worthiness. Scores are broken down into grades. 300-579 = very poor, 580-669 = fair, 670-739 = good, 740-799 = very good, 800-850 = exceptional.  On any given week your credit score moves 10-20 points either up or down. […]

Why most people stink at making a budget?

Why most people stink at making a budget

Why most people stink at making a budget? What is a budget? A budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. Why are some people much better at this then others? Some of it is upbringing, experiences and education. As children we grow up watching how parents live, work, […]

How to determine the retirement savings need

How to determine the retirement savings need

How to determine the retirement savings need How to determine the retirement savings need is a critical part of establishing long term retirement goals. We will break this down into retirement income needs and various income sources. Income needs Retirement income need is the dollar amount needed to support a desired lifestyle. quantifying this need […]

Cheat Sheet for Complex Retirement Terms

Cheat Sheet for Complex Retirement Terms

Cheat Sheet for Complex Retirement Terms Cheat sheet for complex retirement terms this cheat sheet will help you better navigate the complex world of retirement planning. Deductible IRA. An individual retirement account that allows the owner to deduct the amount of the contribution from current federal income taxes. Deferred compensation. Income that is not currently […]

How to withdraw funds from your IRA penalty free

How to withdraw funds from your IRA penalty free

How to withdraw funds from your IRA penalty free How to withdraw funds from your IRA penalty free is one of the most common questions we receive on a daily basis. But what is an IRA? An IRA or individual retirement account is a special custodial or trust account implemented through brokerage firms, banks, insurance […]

Income Replacement Percentages

Income replacement percentages

Income Replacement Percentages Income replacement percentages during retirement are used by planners as rough guides in determining the amount of income needed in retirement, using preretirement income as a base value (100%). Thus, it is common to hear financial advisors myself included to state that retirees need 85% of preretirment income to support a similar […]

Save Early and Often

Save Early and Often

Save Early and Often Save early and often – it is likely that the majority of young households will have little discretionary income each month, and the tendency is to put off saving. When you are young, and have your first real job, probably the last thing on your mind is retirement. Then, before you […]

How to Calculate a Retirement Savings Need

How to Calculate a Retirement Savings Need

How to Calculate a Retirement Savings Need How to calculate a retirement savings need is a critical part of establishing long term retirement goals. We will break this down into retirement income needs and various income sources. Income needs Retirement income need is the dollar amount needed to support a desired lifestyle. quantifying this need […]